The McQueeney Volunteer Fire Department recently received notice that a substantial area of our response territory would now be serviced by Squad 71, a county based fire department. We want very much to keep servicing this area, and ask that you sign the petition for McQueeney VFD to retain service to the area. Residents of the following areas may lose our protection:
Bamboo Bluff Rd.
Berthot Lane
Bobwhite Trail
Bridge Rd.
Cypress Ridge Rd.
Echo Lane
Erskine Ferry Rd.
FM 78
Hartman Lane
Hot Shot Lane
Isle of View
Laguna Vista Dr.
Laguna Rio
Lake Ridge Dr.
Lake Village Rd.
Red Fox Run
Reiley Rd
Ridge Crest Dr.
Rosewood Trail
Rudeloff Rd.
Trails End
All properties south of FM 725 and Stagecoach Rd. to the I-10 Corridor
A map showing the affected areas in yellow is shown below. We are trying to find a clearer map to present to you. The McQueeney VFD will retain the blue areas.
Please scan the QR code or click on the link below to view and sign the petition. By signing, you are asking the county to allow McQueeney VFD to continue to service these response areas! Please be sure to complete all fields, sign, join, and submit.
Once again, we thank you for your support!